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Fostering Sustainability Champions: Honoring Excellence at the Annual ESG World Summit & GRIT Awards.

Uniting Global Experts to Drive Awareness and Motivation for a Sustainable Future.


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Smart Assessments

Our ESG Framework

ESG Consulting Services

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ESG Assessment - ESG Health Check

ESG Factors Evaluation

How Does ESG Add Value to Your Company?

esg reporting service

Why Do You Require an ESG Risk Assessment Tool?

There are several reasons why an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risk assessment tool is important:

Many companies are subject to regulations and standards that require them to assess and manage ESG risks, such as environmental impact and ethical sourcing practices. An ESG risk assessment tool can help companies comply with these regulations and standards.

By focusing on ESG issues, you can differentiate your company from competitors and tap into growing customer demand for sustainable products and services.

Investors are increasingly interested in ESG considerations and the role that companies play in creating a sustainable future. An ESG risk assessment tool can help companies understand and communicate their ESG performance to investors.

Companies that have a strong commitment to ESG issues can enhance their reputation and build trust with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. An ESG risk assessment tool can help companies understand and address ESG risks that could impact their reputation.

ESG risks can have a significant impact on a company’s financial performance and operations. An ESG risk assessment tool can help companies identify and prioritize ESG risks, and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.

Companies that have a strong commitment to ESG issues can attract and retain employees who are committed to sustainability and social responsibility.

Stakeholders, such as customers, employees, and investors, are increasingly expecting companies to be socially and environmentally responsible.

Companies that focus on ESG issues and assess themselves can often realize cost savings and improve their financial performance through increased efficiency and reduced exposure to sustainability risks.

Using an ESG risk assessment tool can help companies understand and respond to these expectations. You can plan your ESG strategies after receiving assessment scores is a powerful way to ensure that your company is aligned with the evolving expectations of stakeholders and poised for long-term success.

Why Engage with Corpstage?

Discover The Advantages of An ESG Assessment Tool

The Effectiveness of An ESG Assessment Tool

Using an ESG Evaluation to Shape a Larger Business Plan


Buy Service(Plans from USD $0-$4999)

Free Trial
15 Questions
Fully Automated- Level 1
Smart Automated Tool
Scores with Brief Feedback
Good for checking your status and readiness
Level 2
Smart Automated Tool
Category Wise Recommendations
Appointed Account manager verifies all documents and evidence
Level 3
Smart Automated Tool
Assistance in Assessment
Evidence is verified by an expert
Category wise recommendations provided
Best choice
Level 4
Smart Automated Tool and Basic Carbon Footprint
Detailed Recommendation Report
Assistance in Assessment
Benchmarking with two similar businesses
Verification by an expert

How we work

This tool assesses the board’s and top management’s commitment towards climate readiness and reporting.

Are you ready to tackle the pressing challenges of climate change and embrace the opportunities it brings? The urgency to address carbon emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy is undeniable. At Corpstage, we are committed to empowering businesses and governments to align their strategies with climate science and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The Climate Reporting Readiness Assessment Tool is your gateway to understanding how climate change affects your business and seizing the opportunities it presents. Here's why our tool is the right choice for you:

We understand the importance of efficiency in risk evaluation. Our tool focuses on what is material and critical to decision-making, ensuring you stay on track without getting lost in unnecessary details.

In today’s evolving landscape, it is crucial for corporates and financial institutions to assess vulnerabilities, evaluate opportunities, and embrace sustainability wholeheartedly. Our Climate Reporting Readiness Assessment Tool is your strategic ally in this journey.

Climate change impacts all sectors, carrying financial implications. Proactive measures can lead to a more diversified market, climate-resilient supply chains, and enhanced resource efficiency, generating significant financial benefits. Our tool empowers you to take charge of your climate strategy and build a sustainable future for your organization.

Take the first step today with Corpstage’s Climate Reporting Readiness Assessment Tool. Embrace the opportunities of a low-carbon economy and contribute to a sustainable world for generations to come. Get in touch with us now to begin your climate journey!


Buy Service(Plans from USD $0-$4999)

Free Trial
15 Questions
Fully Automated- Level 1
Smart Automated Tool
Scores with Brief Feedback
Good for checking your status and readiness
Level 2
Smart Automated Tool
Category Wise Recommendations
Appointed Account manager verifies all documents and evidence
Level 3
Smart Automated Tool
Assistance in Assessment
Evidence is verified by an expert
Category wise recommendations provided
Best choice
Level 4
Smart Automated Tool and Carbon Footprint Measurement
Detailed Recommendation Report
Benchmarking with two similar businesses
Assistance in Assessment
Verification by an expert
Carbon offset recommendations

How we work

Calculate your business carbon footprint using GHG calculator tools. We rely on data and best in class tools to provide you with LCA of your products

Climate change and carbon accounting have become paramount concerns for businesses worldwide. As countries and regions adopt new regulations requiring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting, it is crucial for companies to manage their carbon footprints and integrate sustainability practices into their operations.

Our GHG Protocol Assessment Tool:

Our GHG Protocol Assessment Tool:

Our LCA Analysis Tool:

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ISO 14044:

Make Informed Decisions:


Buy Service(Plans from USD $0-$4999)

Free Trial
Simple tool for small businesses. For detailed analysis we use our own tool.
Level 1
Calculate your SCOPE 1
Calculate SCOPE 2
Free Template to Record your emissions
Level 2
Calculate SCOPE 1
Calculate SCOPE 2
Calculate SCOPE 3
Category Wise Recommendations
Assistance and Templates provided
Level 3
GHG Emissions- SCOPE 1,2,3
Assistance in Assessment
Detailed Category Wise Recommendation Report
Certified Carbon Footprint Report
Best choice
Level 4
Detailed Scope 1, 2, and 3 calculations
Detailed Recommendation Report
Assistance in Assessment
3 Consulting Sessions with an expert for gap analysis and new initiatives
Verification and Certification
GHG Report

How we work


Helps businesses assess suppliers and enable sustainable sourcing and sustainable supply chain decisions.

At Corpstage, we understand that proper due diligence is essential for effective risk management, especially when it comes to supplier relationships. Our Supplier Due Diligence Services are designed to help businesses identify, analyze, and address risks associated with their suppliers, ensuring a secure and sustainable supply chain. With a systematic approach, we assist you in customizing the risk management process to meet your business needs and protect your brand reputation.

We apply a risk-based approach to manage supplier risks, prioritizing them based on potential impact and probability. By evaluating factors like sustainability/ESG, regulatory compliance, product quality, and sourcing complexity, we help you identify suppliers with a high or very high business impact on your brands and operations.

Global manufacturing can introduce social and ethical risks across the supplier base. We work to minimize such risks by implementing relevant certifications and standards throughout all supplier sites worldwide.


Origin and Risks Assessment

Sustainability Integration

(Prices vary on the number of Suppliers)

At Corpstage, we understand that navigating the complexities of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) can be a daunting task. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our CSRD Readiness Tool – your trusted companion on the journey toward comprehensive and impactful sustainability reporting.

Our tool is designed with you in mind – the changemakers, the forward-thinkers, and the sustainability advocates. We believe that every company, regardless of size or industry, deserves the opportunity to seamlessly transition into the era of sustainable reporting. And that’s exactly what our CSRD Readiness Tool offers.

Empowering Self-Assessment for CSRD Reporting

Gone are the days of uncertainty and guesswork. With Corpstage’s CSRD Readiness Tool, you have the power to assess your company’s readiness for CSRD reporting at your own pace. No more sifting through dense legal jargon or feeling overwhelmed by regulatory requirements. Our tool breaks it down into simple, human-like language that anyone can understand.

A Personalized Journey

Your company is unique, and so is your path to CSRD compliance. Our tool doesn’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. It tailors the assessment process to your specific circumstances, guiding you through relevant checkpoints and helping you identify areas that need attention. Whether you’re a seasoned sustainability expert or just beginning your journey, our tool adapts to your needs.

Uncover Opportunities for Growth

Beyond compliance, the CSRD presents an opportunity for your company to shine. Our tool not only evaluates your readiness for reporting but also highlights areas where you can amplify your sustainability efforts. Discover new ways to align with global sustainability standards, engage stakeholders effectively, and communicate your impact to the world.

User-Friendly Interface

No tech-savvy skills required! Our CSRD Readiness Tool is designed with a user-friendly interface that feels like a conversation with a knowledgeable expert. It guides you through a series of questions, helping you explore key aspects of sustainability reporting readiness step by step.

Realize Your Sustainability Vision

At Corpstage, we believe in your vision of a sustainable future. Our CSRD Readiness Tool is here to support you, every step of the way. Get ready to embrace CSRD reporting with confidence, clarity, and purpose.


Buy Service(Plans from USD $0-$4999)

Free Trial
15 Questions
Fully Automated- Level 1
Smart Automated Tool
Scores with Brief Feedback
Level 2
Smart Automated Tool
Category Wise Recommendations
Automated Scores
Level 3
Smart Automated Tool
Assistant in Assessment
"Detailed Category Wise Recommendation Report"
Best choice
Level 4
Smart Automated Tool, Basic Carbon Footprint
"Detailed Recommendation Report"
Assistant in Assessment
"3 Consulting Sessions with an expert for gap analysis and new initiatives"
Verification & Assessments

Step into a world where sustainability meets cutting-edge technology – CorpStage’s Blockchain and WEB 3 Apps ESG Assessment Service is your gateway to evaluating the sustainability of blockchain networks and related applications. Let us guide you through the intricacies of this transformative landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions in the realm of decentralized technologies.

Understanding the Essence of Blockchain Networks

Before delving into the realm of blockchain network sustainability, it’s crucial to grasp the essence of this game-changing technology. While conventional centralized monetary systems prevail across the globe, blockchain technology revolutionizes this landscape by introducing a decentralized approach to currency usage and control. Transactions on blockchain networks are not only secure and private but also efficient and cost-effective, offering a transformative alternative to traditional monetary systems.

Blockchain, powered by Distributed Ledger Technology, ushers in a transparent methodology for tracking transactions. Unlike traditional centralized systems, a distributed ledger operates across a network of interconnected computers, aptly referred to as nodes. These nodes, or blocks, are meticulously linked together, forming the bedrock of blockchain technology.

The innate transparency of this decentralized approach renders it an ideal solution for supply chain tracking and applications. Data stored on a blockchain is immutable, establishing trustworthiness and paving the way for sustainable supply chain practices.

ESG Integration with CorpStage

In the journey toward sustainable blockchain solutions, CorpStage introduces a new dimension – the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) parameters. ESG has fundamentally reshaped how businesses operate, placing emphasis on environmental protection, social justice, and ethical governance. This paradigm shift seamlessly aligns with the core principles of blockchain technology, magnifying its potential for driving meaningful and sustainable change.

Harmonizing ESG with Blockchain

Environmental Aspect: Are your business operations and policies designed with environmental welfare in mind? Is your business actively safeguarding the environment from potential harm resulting from daily operations?

Social Perspective: Do your business policies garner unwavering support from employees, shareholders, stakeholders, and customers? The social dimension is complex, demanding the measurement and quantification of intangible values.

Governance Dimension: At the heart of every operation lies governance, the driving force behind ethical practices and unwavering trust. Does your business adhere to stringent ethical standards, ensuring fair treatment of employees, customers, and stakeholders?

WEB 3 ESG Assessment Tool: CorpStage's Path to Verified ESG Excellence

Unleash the full potential of blockchain sustainability through CorpStage’s innovative assessment and certification solution – the WEB 3 ESG Assessment Tool. Crafted by CorpStage and validated by a distinguished governing council, this tool offers a clear roadmap to achieving verified ESG excellence.

Key Evaluation Pillars

CorpStage’s WEB 3 ESG Assessment Tool evaluates blockchain networks and applications across six pivotal pillars:

Simplified Certification Process

Embrace CorpStage’s intuitive online assessment form, designed on a smart platform for ease of use. Whether quantitative or qualitative, your answers are evaluated by experts, culminating in certification within 30 days of submission. Scores are categorized into Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels, reflecting your commitment to sustainable practices.

Elevating Trust Through CorpStage's Standards and Certification

Our journey toward blockchain sustainability is fueled by the establishment of standards and certifications. CorpStage’s methodology, epitomized by the WEB 3 ESG Assessment Tool, aims to provide an evaluation framework for stakeholders, guiding informed investments, while enabling businesses to assess and showcase their sustainable commitments. These certifications stand as a testament to your dedication to sustainable practices, fostering growth rooted in ethics and trust.

Step into a future where technology and sustainability converge harmoniously, shaping a landscape of responsible growth and enduring impact. With CorpStage’s Blockchain and WEB 3 Apps ESG Assessment Service, navigate the complex terrain of blockchain networks and applications confidently, making choices that resonate across industries, and ushering in a sustainable tomorrow.


Buy Service(Plans from USD $0-$4999)

Free Trial
20 Questions
Fully Automated- Level 1
Smart Automated Tool
Scores with Brief Feedback
Good for checking your status and readiness
Level 2
Smart Automated Tool
Category Wise Recommendations
Appointed Account manager verifies all documents and evidence
Level 3
Smart Automated Tool
Assistance in Assessment
Category wise recommendations provided
Evidence is verified by an expert
Best choice
Level 4
Smart Automated Tool and Carbon Footprint Calculations
Detailed Recommendation Report
Assistance in Assessment
Benchmarking with two similar businesses
Verification by an expert